Flat-Tyre's Wh-Y Stle Blow
(Miles) Date of Birth: 10/21/2008 Died: 7/28/2016
Breeder: Carin Lundskog
Color: Black

Special Accomplishments:
Miles got 2nd place in the Rhode Island Specialty 6-9 puppy Sweepstakes class under judge Sarah Whittaker and 1st place in the regular classes under Per Iversen!
Miles is a young dog from Sweden. He is out of Torsten(Comics Catman Dooley) and his mother is a working dog(Witch-Hunt Lila Selma). Pedigree is a mix of Swedish working and conformation lines. Miles is from a litter of 1 female and 5 males.
Attitude & Trainability:
Miles is young at the time of this writing so time will tell but he is people oriented and outgoing.
Miles loves to retrieve and swim.
Too young for this activity.
Miles has nice conformation. He has a pleasant head, good front with a prominent prow, good bone and coat. He is a bit throaty and the topskull of his head is a bit rounded. He moves nice from the side.
Miles has all his health clearances. Miles is from a litter of 6 and everyone is alive and well.
Health Links:
Hips: FR-4874G27M-VPI "Good" Elbows: FR-EL1886M27-VPI
Patellas: FR-PA1677/27M/P-VPI
Eyes: Clear by Opthamalogist 2/10 Gonio unaffected
Click Here for the PDF version of Pedigree
