CH Kistryl Wyndswept Waiting For Superman (Ting) Date of Birth: 10/5/2013 AKC #: SR79984901
Breeder: Cheryl Kistner Color: Black Sex: F Owner: Lisa Riley & Cheryl Kistner 
Special Accomplishments:
3 point major from the puppy class at the FCRCI supported entry in 2014
Major from the FCRCI supported entry in 2015
Finished her CH going BOS over a special
Ting is a girl from our "Superheroes" litter of 11 puppies. She lives with Lisa Riley.
Attitude & Trainability:
Too young to know yet
Field: Ting seems to like to retrieve. Swimming in the spring.
Ting is a nicely constructed girl - very moderate all around. Nice dark eye.
Health Links: Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
Hips: FR-5774G30F-VPI Elbows: FR-EL2711F30-VPI Patellas: FR-PA2416/29F/P-VPI Eyes: FR-EYE856/49F-VPI
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