Am Can CH U-ATCH U-UD HR Grousemoor Periwinkle UDTDX SH OA WCX Can UD TD WCX
(Wink) Date of Birth: 3/27/1985-2/1997
Breeder: Helen Szostak
Color: Black

Special Accomplishments:
FCRSA Hall of Fame
My first flat-coat, Wink was everything you could ask for in a dog. She was pretty, well behaved, a good worker, possessed an excellent temperament and lived a healthy long life. I regret never having bred her.
Attitude & Trainability:
Wink had an excellent attitude about life and was happiest just doing something. I don’t think she was the brightest dog in the world but she was willing to try anything and with enthusiasm. She was a wonderful obedience dog – honest and animated.
Wink was a reliable field dog and really loved her birds. She had trouble with multiple marks and really had to be schooled on them to remember them. Tight marks were a impossible. She was a good swimmer but lacked a lot of confidence in the water. She was steady and demonstrated good bird handling.
Agility was just beginning in the US at the end of Wink’s life. Wink struggled with weave poles. We used to joke that she just "didn’t get the weave gene".
Wink was a dog of good type and was on the smallish size for a bitch. She had a good head but was a bit broad in the backskull and could have had more muzzle length. She was very sound and clean on the down and back. Side movement was good. She was a bit straight in the front which could cause her to flip her front feet up in the air.
Wink died 1 month shy of her 12th birthday. She was a very healthy and robust dog. She had at least two sisters that lived longer than she did.
Health Links:
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
Hips: FR-691G24F
Eyes: FR-276
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